Laser Treatment
Our doctors are certified in laser use by the Academy of Laser Dentistry. This amazing technology enables them to get the job done efficiently, painlessly and extremely well.
Our doctors are some of the first dentists in the Fowlerville area to offer full service laser dentistry to their patients.
Our Diagnodent laser allows us to diagnose decay BEFORE it can be seen by the eye or even on X-Ray. With this a patient can be assured of never needing another BIG filling.
It is our pleasure to offer these services to our patients.
Pick Cannot Reach
Diagnodent Sees 2mm
INTO Tooth
Benefits of Laser Dentistry
Our doctors are pleased to offer Fowlerville, this state-of-the-art technology to their patients. Lasers are the most amazing new technology to come to dentistry in the last 50 years.
Just imagine...
- Having gum surgery without the need for needles and no bleeding or stitches, being able to eat, drink and talk right after surgery with no discomfort.
- Having teeth filled without the need for needles, being able to eat and talk and chew right after fillings.
- Having small fillings that just remove the decay and are the natural color of the tooth, all done in one visit.
- Not needing to hear the sounds of the dental drill.
- An instrument that sterilizes as it heal . . . THAT IS WHAT LASERS DO!
All this is routine for our patients!
Contact us for more information about Laser Dentistry.
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